Thursday, October 4, 2012


I've been reading a few Facebook postings and comments about tithing to which I would like to respond.

First, I take issue with the standard teaching of giving 10% to the church.  The concept on the surface seems to be fair.  However, the idea that all should give 10% is highly regressive.  Thank goodness we don't model our tax system after this concept.  Especially since consumer goods are not set on a percentage of one's income.

Second, in our current tax system one can write off any charitable donations.  This includes offerings to a church.  How is it that I can write off offerings to the church but not the money used to purchase a gym membership?  In my opinion a charitable donation would be giving to an organization from which one doesn't directly benefit(Sitting in an air-conditioned room listening to someone preach is a direct benefit).

Thirdly, tithing and money are a constant source of spiritual abuse in the church world and basically for the reason that churchianity (Can't take credit for churchianity) today insists on functioning as a business enterprise (Just calling a spade a spade). Tithing is not only greatly misunderstood, it also causes great false fear in many people's lives. Some great Bible versus that help better explain my take on tithing comes from Deuteronomy 14:23 and Deuteronomy 26:12.

I may be atheist, but I still find it very important to be thankful for what I have and to share my prosperity to help others(shocking coming from a tight ass).  If you are currently tithing to a church, please continue.  Churches need donors in order to operate.  I just hope this post offers up a different perspective on tithing.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Further the Dialogue

I understand the message that theists are trying to convey. However, is it smart to compare your god to a mortal? Mom is human and imperfect, thus the picture is referring to god as a further evolved (developed) species that is creating an imperfect version of itself.

I also wonder if the theist baby believes that it evolved from a zygote to an embryo, and finally to a fetus?

Putting all that aside though, let's get a bit more serious.

Regardless of what you believe, one can't deny the fact that the reason for all the diversity of this planet can be explained by the process of evolution.

This series of YouTube videos was done very cleverly, and with an in-depth explanation. All of his claims can be verified in multitudes of peer reviewed journals. He does dig on religion at times, but the scientific evidence stated explains why I believe this planet evolved.

and finally he admits to some errors in his series.

Remember that I'm not posting these videos to offend anyone. I am simply trying to enlighten my circle of friends of my beliefs on how our world came to be.