Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It Wouldn't Be Christmas

I was going to start off by saying "This has been a very interesting Christmas." However, comparing this Christmas to ones in the past, would falsify such a statement. I once wrote a lengthy paper about the things I missed most about past Christmas's spent at my Grandparents' house. After living life for 31 years, I've come to the realization that those things were just trivial.

This Christmas we were missing a big part of our family. April, David, and Brooklyn for whatever reason were did not show.

I'm sitting here wondering what in the world I should write. I'm worried to death that I might hurt people's feelings. I try hard not to judge others too harshly, because it is my hope that others grant me the same courtesy. I feel that we have judged each other unfairly over the years and if there is one thing that should change at Christmas time, it is surely that. Once again I've missed seeing April, David, and Brooklyn around at Christmas time, and that is what saddens me this evening. If any three of you see this blog before next Christmas, know that I love you and hope to see you there next year.

Part II

I also had to play "Father" for a moment this year. It hasn't been the first nor the last time I'll have to disipline my nephew. He can be a bit of a handful sometimes. I just wish that my sister would see that Jeremy (her son) is very much like her at that age. I don't blame the situation entirely on my nephew. Mistakes were made on all parts. My sister needs to learn how to handle him in a reasonable manner and try not to create situations of confusion for him. Jeremy has to learn that it is not OK to respond by screaming or hitting his mother. My nephew is a good kid. I think with a little bit of parental tweaking life would be much easier on everyone involved in his life.

If any of my family ends up reading this, know that my words are not meant to hurt or put anyone down. Rather, they are meant to enlighten us to treat one another better. I love you all and I hope all have had a wonderful holiday.

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