Friday, April 30, 2010

Writer's Block!

You ever have so many ideas bouncing around in your head that you can't focus on writing on just one? Well, I guess you could say that is what I'm experiencing right now. I thought about writing on the philosophical argument my wife and I had with my parents regarding ideas on making the world a better place. Their idea is to basically force the teaching of Christian morals in public schools to be the answer. I'm sure that would go over quite well with our Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist and Atheist populations. I won't bore you with the details. If you ever want to know where I stand on this question, just ask me.

Then my brain started thinking about my being sick and that I'm feeling really good right now. Crap! I hope I didn't just jinx it. Nah, that's just a bunch of BS anyway. I do feel pretty good right now even though it is 3:41 am. I think I'll go ahead and end this to go slip into bed. I would be willing to bet $20 right now that the dog is on my side of the bed. He's about to have a rude awakening. Till next time, live purposely.

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