Friday, July 2, 2010

A trip to P-town on Two wheels

Lately I've been riding my bike on a 22 mile loop from my house in Milwaukie to downtown Portland and back. I've made the journey about five times to date. For this post on my blog I thought that I would share the so-called "adventure" of riding downtown.

The best part of the ride is what I call "Seeing" and "Being seen". What I really mean to say is that I love to watch people and yet, I love for people to watch me. It may sound twisted, but that is how many of us humans define our existence. Plus, it is hilarious to see a group of college students run through a fountain on a cool September night. I would have joined in, but I thought it best to re-live my youth by watching them horse-play in the fountain (No chance of catching a cold that way). Of course they probably thought I was just as crazy dressed in a florescent yellow vest, black socks pulled up to the knees and Velcro sandals. I guess that is how I want to be seen. :)

I've seen much from my two wheels. To this point I've seen two wedding parties, a group of 20 or so bongo drummers, dancing hippie chicks, a giant unicycle cyclist, a cute dog wearing sunglasses, big rats scavenging for food, met a man who thought I should sell used cars on Craig's list, and caught a glimpse of the Rose City Rollers. Even with all of that, I'm sure that there are many more things to see on future rides.

I travel the above mentioned loop about twice a week, so if any of you out there who think this might be something you'd like to give a try, it shouldn't be hard to get in touch with me or leave a comment.

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