Monday, January 10, 2011


Emotion, not as interesting of a title as some of my other posts, but a title none the less. It is also a very powerful tool. I guess you could say that without emotion, many corporations would cease to exist. The business world has mastered the use of emotion to manipulate people into handing over hard-earned money for many years. Whether it be cars, IPhones, clothes, or peace of mind, we hand our money over and blindly at times. My focus for this post will not be on the cars, IPhones or clothes because transportation, communication and clothing ourselves are fairly important to American culture. Instead my focus is on peace of mind (my favorite).

How about a quick example of peace of mind. You're driving down Sunnyside Road when the light suddenly turns red. Not wanting to break the law, you stop. While sitting at the red light you notice a scruffy old man wearing an eye patch with a dog holding a sign that reads, "Homeless! Need help for food or shelter!" Now I ask you, what is this man trying to sell you? If you gave him money, he just sold you the warm and fuzzy feeling that you get inside from helping out another human. I'm here to tell you that the feeling he just sold you is a load of shit. This is how people are constantly taken advantage of in this world.

I would love to go on with this post, but I'm afraid it would just turn into me ranting and raving as I do at work sometimes. I know the people there probably get tired of listening to me talk about such things. My hope for all of you is that you take a second and think logically about some of the decisions that you are faced with in your life, because EMOTION can cloud ones judgement at times.

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