Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It Wouldn't Be Christmas

I was going to start off by saying "This has been a very interesting Christmas." However, comparing this Christmas to ones in the past, would falsify such a statement. I once wrote a lengthy paper about the things I missed most about past Christmas's spent at my Grandparents' house. After living life for 31 years, I've come to the realization that those things were just trivial.

This Christmas we were missing a big part of our family. April, David, and Brooklyn for whatever reason were did not show.

I'm sitting here wondering what in the world I should write. I'm worried to death that I might hurt people's feelings. I try hard not to judge others too harshly, because it is my hope that others grant me the same courtesy. I feel that we have judged each other unfairly over the years and if there is one thing that should change at Christmas time, it is surely that. Once again I've missed seeing April, David, and Brooklyn around at Christmas time, and that is what saddens me this evening. If any three of you see this blog before next Christmas, know that I love you and hope to see you there next year.

Part II

I also had to play "Father" for a moment this year. It hasn't been the first nor the last time I'll have to disipline my nephew. He can be a bit of a handful sometimes. I just wish that my sister would see that Jeremy (her son) is very much like her at that age. I don't blame the situation entirely on my nephew. Mistakes were made on all parts. My sister needs to learn how to handle him in a reasonable manner and try not to create situations of confusion for him. Jeremy has to learn that it is not OK to respond by screaming or hitting his mother. My nephew is a good kid. I think with a little bit of parental tweaking life would be much easier on everyone involved in his life.

If any of my family ends up reading this, know that my words are not meant to hurt or put anyone down. Rather, they are meant to enlighten us to treat one another better. I love you all and I hope all have had a wonderful holiday.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Big Rant

I don't even know what I would like to say in this post. Between the occupy movement and things that I've been reading from posts on Face book, I just can do nothing but shake my head.

Let me first answer a few things. If you look back on any war involving two sides you will find some common themes. I will even sum it all up into three words: Land, Wealth, and Control (power). Shocking right? Not to me. It will always be this way. If you think otherwise, get ready to lose everything.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Does anyone else feel the same way I do about reciting the Pledge of Allegiance? (drafted in 1892)

The first issue I have with the pledge is that it is directed to a piece of fabric ("I pledge allegiance to the flag"). One could argue that the flag is just a symbol that encompasses what we are as a nation. If that is the case, we should skip the flag and pledge directly to what the flag represents ("...to the Republic").

"One Nation under God"(added to the pledge in 1954) Are we really?

2.4 percent of the U.S. population (7.4 million) in 2009 claimed to be atheist, according to a Pew survey on religious affiliation. I would also add that a good many people who are affiliated with a religion live their lives in a manner that is not consistent with that religion's core beliefs. "One Nation under God" seems to be a bit of a fallacy.

I'm not suggesting that we alter the pledge. It seems to be a ritual that has become outdated in my opinion. Also, I have never been an advocate for pledges. The way I conduct myself in the American public speaks more than any pledge. If you ever see me at a school board meeting sitting silently during The Pledge of Allegiance, please do not think poorly of me.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

God's Intentions?

Can I just say that it is really hard for me to truly listen to those who inject their God or their holy book into certain conversations/discussions. Lately it seems that every time I go over to my parents' house someone (by someone, I mean sister, mother, grandfather or Bill) tries to engage me in political, social, or religious discussions.

For example, I was over visiting just a couple days ago and everyone started talking about the role of male and female in society. This comment was made and I quote "I just don't see the future of this country being as good as it once was because the role of men and women are moving away from the way God intended."

I really hope that by reading what I just quoted, you have a similar reaction that I had at the time. I only wish that I had responded sarcastically by saying this "I agree. I think women should still be treated as though they are property. That they are inferior to men. That their job is to be barefoot and pregnant, because that is the way God intended." I truly believe that each man and each woman are born different. We all have different abilities, likes and dislikes, and preferences. I know for a fact that my wife could never be a stay-at-home mother. If that was the case, would she be going against God's intentions?

The social aspects of our humanity are always changing (evolving). We, as individuals, ultimately decide the role we play in society. And that my friend is how God intended it to be.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Emotion, not as interesting of a title as some of my other posts, but a title none the less. It is also a very powerful tool. I guess you could say that without emotion, many corporations would cease to exist. The business world has mastered the use of emotion to manipulate people into handing over hard-earned money for many years. Whether it be cars, IPhones, clothes, or peace of mind, we hand our money over and blindly at times. My focus for this post will not be on the cars, IPhones or clothes because transportation, communication and clothing ourselves are fairly important to American culture. Instead my focus is on peace of mind (my favorite).

How about a quick example of peace of mind. You're driving down Sunnyside Road when the light suddenly turns red. Not wanting to break the law, you stop. While sitting at the red light you notice a scruffy old man wearing an eye patch with a dog holding a sign that reads, "Homeless! Need help for food or shelter!" Now I ask you, what is this man trying to sell you? If you gave him money, he just sold you the warm and fuzzy feeling that you get inside from helping out another human. I'm here to tell you that the feeling he just sold you is a load of shit. This is how people are constantly taken advantage of in this world.

I would love to go on with this post, but I'm afraid it would just turn into me ranting and raving as I do at work sometimes. I know the people there probably get tired of listening to me talk about such things. My hope for all of you is that you take a second and think logically about some of the decisions that you are faced with in your life, because EMOTION can cloud ones judgement at times.