Friday, February 19, 2010

Too Far

I had a customer today come through my line who, in my opinion, went too far. In no way was this person rude or inconsiderate of others around her. It was mostly her appearance that made the little hamster in my head start spinning it's wheel. To give you an idea of how she presented herself, she had multiple piercings. Three of them were in the nose, two in the eyebrow, and more than I could count in the ears. Her hair was half shaved and as for the other half, it was combed over to cover up a portion of the shaved half. In all honesty, this was a person who's appearance would hinder her from being hired in a customer service position. With a few exceptions of course.

This was mostly a reminder to me that we all can go too far at times (Looks, money, alcohol, gambling, status). There is nothing wrong with getting a piercing or two, or maybe a couple of tattoos. However, there are signs of dissatisfaction in ones looks when we start talking about 15 piercings and 10 tattoos.

I started attending the gym more regularly because I was dissatisfied in my looks. However, I'm not going to start taking steroids to achieve a look that strips away, well, ME. After wishing her a wonderful evening, I started to feel sorry for her. Then again, I didn't know her from Adam, and she could have been completely content with her outward appearance.

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